So you’ve gone ahead and confirmed the brand, model–even the colors. You’re all set with your vessel, which brings us to one of the most enjoyable and stressful parts of owning a boat–naming it!
You’re bound to get a lot of suggestions from family and friends, so the time comes to pick a name, here are some things you’ll want to consider:
- Women: The Greeks and Romans named their boats after their gods. However, eventually it took on, for centuries, that seamen would name their vessels after women. Nothing is quite as alluring and possibly more appropriate as “she” takes you out on the water.
- Safety: If you have a clever name, it’s important that after running it by your crowd you make sure that this is name that is easily communicated. You need to remember that in a moment of distress, the last thing that you want is to have to repeat your name various times to the Coast Guard. Stay away from extremely lengthy names and things that are difficult to pronounce.
- Style: Pick a name that is true to the style for the type of boat you’ve chosen and that it’s in good style. Remember that in the end, the name you pick is going to be a reflection of you and your crew.
- Take Your Time: It’s important that you be sure before christening your vessel. Take your time and sleep on it!
Well known boat enthusiast Scott Croft, BoatUS spokesman, has said that picking a name for one’s boat can be harder than naming one’s own child. Getting out there and cruising on the water is the aftermath of so many decisions: the vessel you chose to trust, who you’ve decided to include, and what you do while you’re out there are all part of it. There are thousands of brands, sizes, and crew styles. How you carry this out is a reflection of your lifestyle choices. The name you pick should reflect how that lifestyle comes together and it makes you feel when you’re out there. Make it special, make it yours!
The post Naming Your Boat appeared first on Boatrax.